The Wnt signaling pathway in tumor development, possibilities of pharmacological correction
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Wnt signaling, tumor growth, β-catenin pathway, pharmacological correction


The article provides an overview of current data on the cellular Wnt signaling pathway, which plays a significant role in the regulation of homeostasis and causes a number of malignancies in the pathological expression of its links. To date, three signaling cascades that are activated by Wnt proteins are known: canonical and two noncanonical. The canonical or β-catenin pathway involves in various biological processes and impaired activity of β-catenin signaling occurs in many oncological diseases. The main links of Wnt cell signaling are indicated as a targets for finding targeted antitumor agents. Three stages of search and study of targeted Wnt drugs and their development in the world are defined as follows: – study in relation to the Wnt pathway of drugs approved for clinical use for other indications (Sulindac, Celecoxib, vitamins A and D, Pyrvinium, Quercetin, Curcumin, Resveratrol and others); – preclinical studies of new physiologically active substances with certain activity on Wnt signaling (XAV-939, GW55, G007-LK, G244-LM); – clinical trials of compounds that have shown ability to act Wnt signaling (LGK-974 (inhibitor of Porcupine), ICG001, PRI-724, antibodies that neutralize Wnt ligands and receptors). The general opinion of oncopharmacologists and clinicians shows the possibility to create drugs that capable to affect the pathological expression of the Wnt pathway with higher activity than classical cytostatic agents.
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