Editoral policy


«Фармакология и лекарственная токсикология/Pharmacology and Drug Toxicology»

 Sphere and the range of problems

The journal «Фармакология и лекарственная токсикология / Pharmacology and Drug Toxicology» - is a scientific and practical publication dedicated to the coverage of modern problems of pharmacology, drug toxicology, pharmacy and other related fields of knowledge.

             The priority of the publication is to provide original experimental and relevant analytical materials, supporting works of young scientists.The purpose of the journal is platform provision to pharmacologists, toxicologists, pharmacists (researchers, theorists, practitioners) to exchange ideas, knowledge and research results on the stated range of problems.  

           The editorial board of the journal identified the main tasks for itself to achieve this goal:- practical– sharing new ideas and developments in the field of pharmacology, drug toxicology and pharmacy among scientists and business representatives;- research and methodological - publication of original techniques, results of fundamental and applied researches, aimed at the development of pharmacology, drug toxicology and pharmacy;- educational plan - exchange of experience in teaching pharmacology, the formation of professional and intersectoral competence.

 The main sections of the journal 

             Experimental articles (pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, pharmacy, drug toxicology), reviews, short reports, information for researchers, evidence-based medicine news, lectures, events, history pages. 

Peer review 

Materials, which are published in the journal  «Фармакология и лекарственная токсикология / Pharmacology and Drug Toxicology», pass peer review in accordance with the “Provisions on Reviewing

Open access policy     

        The journal provides open access to its content in order to support global knowledge sharing.

             The editorial board posts published articles on the journal website as well as on the website of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.  


            Full-text articles are available and stored in the electronic archive of the journal on the journal’s website and in the electronic archive of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.

Publicational Ethics of the periodical  

            The principles of professional ethics in the activities of the editorial board and publisher  

           The editorial board of the journal controls the publication process of author’s materials and their compliance with the following fundamental principles:- the data in provided materials must posses scientific and practical significance.- disuse by members of the editorial board of unpublished data from materials submitted for consideration for personal purposes or transfer to third parties;- securing confidentiality; - prevention of plagiarism possibility;- do not leave claims unanswered, including claims concerning reviewed manuscripts or published materials, as well as taking all necessary measures to restore violated rights in the event of a conflict situation.  

           Ethical principles in reviewer activities   

          The actions of the reviewer should be objective in nature, consisting in sustaining the following principles:- confidentiality: the manuscript, which is received for review, should be treated as a confidential document which cannot be transferred for review or discussion to third parties;- objectivity and reasoning: the reviewer must give an objective and reasoned assessment of the stated results of the study, not of the author (personal criticism of the author is unacceptable) the reviewer is obliged to contact the publisher with a request to exclude him from the review process of certain materials, if he considers his qualifications insufficient to review publication or in case of conflict of interest- inappropriateness of use for personal gain by the reviewer of unpublished data from manuscripts submitted for review.   

          Principles by which the author of scientific publications should be guided     

        The author (team of authors) should be aware of his (their) initial responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research, which implies the observance by him (them) of the following principles:- the provision of reliable results of studies, the inadmissibility of the presentation of knowingly false or falsified results and statements;- a guarantee of originality of research results;- an indication of the source of borrowed fragments or statements;

- the unacceptability of excessive borrowing and plagiarism in any form, including framed quotes, paraphrasing or assignment of rights on the results of other people's research;

- an indication of all persons as co-authors who have made a significant contribution to the study is mandatory, and an indication as co-authors of persons who have not participated in the study is unacceptable;

- the unacceptability of submitting to the journal materials that have been sent for publication or have already been published in other journals;- the need to inform the publisher on the matter of detection of significant errors or inaccuracies in the materials at the stage of their consideration or after publication  Journal printing schedule 

             Journal «Фармакология и лекарственная токсикология / Pharmacology and Drug Toxicology» is published once every 2 months.


Journal Indexing 

             Today the journal is presented in the following scientometric databases and catalogs:

             Scientific periodicals of Ukraine - the portal was created by the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (link);

             Google Scholar - full text search engine of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. The project has been working since November 2004. Index “Google Scholar” includes data for most peer-reviewed online journals of major scientific publishers in Europe and America (link);

Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory – the database of American publisher Bowker - it is the standard library directory and global database providing information about popular and academic magazines, scientific journals, newspapers and other serial publications.

          The journal has its own DOI prefix. (Prefix doi 10.33250), being Crossref listed and connected to the Crossref bibliographic reference system

International Standard Periodical Number

(journal «Фармакология и лекарственная токсикология / Pharmacology and Drug Toxicology»):

ISSN 2524-2563 (Online)

ISSN 2227-7943 (Print)