The aim of the study was to evaluate spectrum and frequency of antipsychotic drugs (AР) side effects (SE) in specialized hospitals of the Ternopil region in 2018–2022.
The analysis of 244 occurrences of SE of AР prescribed in psychiatric healthcare institutions of the Ternopil region in 2018–2022 was performed.
There was a clear tendency towards an annual increase in the portion of SE of АР (from 40.0 % to 75.7 %) in the total number of drugsʼ SE during this period. The most common were the central nervous system dysfunc- tion symptoms, in particular extrapyramidal disorders: motor and emotional restlessness and agitation, involun- tary movements (5.7–10.7 %), tremor (18.9–25.0 %), muscle stiffness (17.9–22.2 %) and rigidity(7.5–17.8 %), difficulty speaking (1.9–17.4 %) and swallowing (1.9–8.9 %). Frequent manifestations were hypersalivation (8.3–30.4 %), dry mouth (6.5–15.6 %), nausea. A decrease in blood pressure and tachycardia was observed. Blurred vision and mydriasis were reported in some patients during the observation period. AP SE were mainly observed in patients aged 18–44 (36.0–61.1 %) and 45–59 (19.7–38.3 %), more often in men. No significant difference was registered in the frequency of SE, which were caused by AP of the 1st and 2nd generations.
Permanent annual manifestations of SE among typical AP were SE to trifluoperazine (10.9–17.4 % of events), among atypical AP – to risperidone (26.8–37.7 % of events).
From the entire range of SE of drugs used in psychiatric hospitals of the Ternopil region in 2018–2022, 51.4 % of the events concerned SE AP. A clear tendency toward a progressive increase in the portion of SE of AP as to the total number of adverse effects to all drugs prescribed in psychiatric hospitals in 2018–2022 was established. Extrapyramidal disorders were the most typical manifestations of SE under AP use in all years of observation. SE were mostly recorded in young and middle-aged patients, more often in men. Despite the fact that there was no significant difference in the frequency of SE that was caused by AP of the 1st and 2nd generations, about more SE were reported after pharmacotherapy by trifluoperazine among typical AP, and by risperidone – among the atypical ones.
The results obtained will contribute to the optimization of the AP use in clinical practice by ensuring the proper balance between the benefits and risks of pharmacotherapy. Further studies are needed with larger sample sizes and designs that will focus on the incidence of individual AP SE.