Modeling of arterial hypertension by prolonged salt loading. Monitoring of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the dynamics of integral vital signs in rats (part II)
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arterial hypertension, model, salt loading, cardiovascular system, integral vital signs


A new model of arterial hypertension (AH), induced by a long salt loading, is proposed. The development of such a model is based on the role of sodium chloride in the functioning of vital organs and systems and in the genesis of hypertension and its vascular disorders. Insufficient study of the mechanisms of development of salt AH, phase and duration of the pathological state under prolongation of the salt load for a period of up to several months, features of various drugs action on the background of increased salt intake, functioning of the cardiovascular system and the dynamics of integral vital signs in rats determined the purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is to investigate the state of the cardiovascular system and the dynamics of integral vital signs in white rats during AH formation by prolonged salt loading. The formation of a new model of АН was provided by salt loading of rats for 81 days by water replacement with a 1% solution of sodium chloride and free access of animals to drink. While conducting dynamic studies it was established that АН model is characterized by a significant increase in blood pressure by 10–18 % in females and 14–36 % in male rats, as evidenced by changes of this indicator in different periods from the beginning to the 81th days of salt loading. Significant increase in blood pressure was observed in 54,5–66,6 % of animals for a long time, while the number of animals with high blood pressure decreased to 23,6 % after 81 days. The prolongation of salt loading over 21 days was characterized by the development of bradycardia in white rats, but did not lead to significant changes in the integral indicators of the functioning of various organs and systems, decrease of body weight and mass coefficients of internal organs, including thymus. During the formation of AH, pain sensitivity in rats decreased by 18–30 % and paw edema (joints and soft tissues of the paw) was observed, which increased under prolongation of salt load and exceeded the values of intact animals by 16 % after 81 day of AH formation. The proposed АН model is differs by simplicity of formation, economical, the achievement of a corresponding effect in a significant number of white rats of different sexes, the possibility of selecting animals with high blood pressure at any stage of pathological process formation and their keeping in normal laboratory conditions, the absence of animals death. Formation of the AH model by prolonged salt loading does not require special professional training. The AH model induced by long-term salt loading is proposed for study the specific pharmacological efficacy (hypotensive effect) and safety of newly synthesized compounds and known drugs under their long-term use.
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