GABA chelating compound improves antioxidant protection of rat's brain mitochondria under hypoxia
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Мembraton, mitochondria, hypoxia, oxidative stress, antioxidant system


Nowadays, the number and probability of the associated with a lack of oxygen pathological conditions is constantly increasing. Oxidative stress of mitochondrial origin is considered one of the leading pathogenetic mechanisms of tissue damage in various types of hypoxia. Therefore, the search for drugs with antihypoxic and antioxidant effects remains relevant.

The study investigated the effect of the modern Ukrainian drug Membraton on the intensity of lipid peroxidation processes, the content of hydrogen peroxide, as well as reduced glutathione, the activity of the antioxidant enzymes Mn-superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase in the mitochondria of the rat brain under conditions of acute severe hypoxic hypoxia (the animals breathed a hypoxic gas mixture, which contained 7% O2 in nitrogen for 45 min). Membraton® (FARKOS, Ukraine) is a drug of metabolic action, which includes a chelated compound of magnesium gluconate with gamma-aminobutyric acid and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride). The advantage of this drug among existing ones with a simi- lar composition is that the chelated compounds have a natural structure, due to which they are biologically active and quickly absorbed.

It was shown that prophylactic administration of Membraton (7.16 mg/kg) daily for 7 days reduced the content of secondary products of lipid peroxidation and hydrogen peroxide, increased the activity of the antiradical enzyme Mn-superoxide dismutase, which indicates a weakening of oxidative processes under conditions of acute severe hypoxic hypoxia. This occurred against the background of an increase in the con- tents of reduced glutathione, the anti-peroxide enzyme glutathione peroxidase, and a tendency to increase the activity of glutathione reductase in the mitochondria of animal brains.

Thus, prophylactic administration of Membraton showed a corrective effect on pro-oxidant processes, normalized the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the state of the glutathione system of rat brain mitochon- dria, which reduced the severity of oxidative stress caused by acute hypoxia. Membraton proved to be an effective adaptogen for increasing the body's resistance to free radical processes of hypoxic genesis.
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